Second Maldives Marine Science Symposium
The Marine Research Centre is pleased to announce the second Maldives Marine Science Symposium which will be held in Malé, Maldives on 24th July 2018.
The Maldives Marine Science Symposium (MMSS) series will become a key biennial event that will bring together researchers working on important marine research projects in the Maldives to share their knowledge and experience with peers and broader public.
The broad objective of this one–day symposium is to share knowledge and experiences which will contribute towards the conservation and sustainable utilization of our valuable marine resources. We encourage presentations on a broad range of marine science topics, including marine biodiversity, climate change, oceanography and conservation ecology as well as resource utilization and marine spatial planning.
We invite all marine scientists active in the Maldives, including NGOs and independent researchers, to participate. Participants can present their work through either oral or poster presentations. Abstracts are to be submitted in advance as indicated below. Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by a Scientific Committee.
Symposium participation is free, but prior registration is required. Please send an email to Ms. Mariyam Nazeefa at mnazeefa@mrc.gov.mv to register your attendance, no later than by 30th June 2018.
Auditorium of Maldives National University in Malé.
Important Dates
30th April 2018 Abstract submission deadline
31st May 2018 Notification of abstract acceptance
30th June 2018 Symposium Registration deadline
24th July 2018 Maldives Marine Science Symposium
Further Information
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at: info@mrc.gov.mv or write to Ms. Mariyam Nazeefa at mnazeefa@mrc.gov.mv
Abstract format and submission
• Body of the abstract (Numbers 5-9 below) should be no more than 500 words and must be written in English.
• Abstract should have the following information and must be submitted using the format provided (link below).
1. Title of the Abstract
2. Authors (s) / Presenter(s)
3. Affiliation and email address of the authors(s) / presenter(s)
4. Indicate whether it is an oral or a poster presentation
5. Introduction and background of the research/project
6. Objective of the research/ project
7. Method(s) and materials used
8. Summary of observations and results of the study
9. Conclusion(s)
• Abstracts may be edited by Scientific Committee for clarity for publishing in the Abstract Booklet.
• Click here to download abstract submission format.
Scientific Committee
Dr. M. Shiham Adam - Director General, Marine Research Centre
Dr. Ameer Abdulla - Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Charles Anderson - Marine Biologist
Dr. Shazla Mohamed - Dean, Faculty of Science, Maldives National University
Dr. Steve Newman - Group Director of Conservation, Banyan Tree Maldives
Organizing Committee
Dr. M. Shiham Adam - Director General, Marine Research Centre
Mr. Mohamed Shimal - Senior Research Officer, Marine Research Centre
Ms. Mariyam Nazeefa - Senior Research Officer, Marine Research Centre
Mr. Mohamed Ahusan - Senior Research Officer, Marine Research Centre
Ms. Khadheeja Ali - Senior Research Officer, Marine Research Centre
Status: Completed
Abstract booklet of the symposium can be downloaded from here