Coral Spawn Slick Formation
2 March 2020
The Maldives Marine Research Institute is initiating an effort to assess the times and location of coral spawning and slick formation as part of the research being carried out on coral reefs.
Current informal records broadly indicate that the spawning occurs biannually. First, in the period of March-April and secondly, in last quarter of the year. MMRI is attempting to narrow down the periods and scale of spawning and assess the spatial variation with spawning times given the spread of the nation.
As such, MMRI is reaching out to the public to aid in the recording of this event. If you see coral spawning or slick formation on land, sea or even by air, we would appreciate if the following information and photos can be provided where possible. The report can be filed via an online form (https://forms.gle/8PnyzemHuXvzV4t96) or the following details can be emailed to hana.amir@mmri.gov.mv.
Coral slick formation reporting
- Location (Latitude & Latitude if possible. You can drop a pin on google maps at your location and send a screenshot to us with the pin visible)
- Time
- Date
- An estimation of width and length
- Local weather conditions (Wind speed and direction, swell, cloudiness)
- Tide
- A photo of the entire slick
- A photo of a small sample of the slick (The sample can be inside a clear see through container such as a glass or cup)
Coral spawning reporting
- Location (Latitude & Latitude if possible. You can drop a pin on google maps at your location and send a screenshot to us with the pin visible)
- Time
- Date
- Family, genera, or species of spawning coral if known.
- Number of spawning colonies
- Morphologies of spawning coral colonies (branching, digitate, encrusting, massive, plate/table)
- Photo of spawning corals
If you have any questions or queries, please contact Ms. Fathimath Hana Amir at hana.amir@mmri.gov.mv