Third Maldives Marine Science Symposium - RESCHEDULED
We are pleased to announce that the Maldives Marine Science Symposium (MMSS) has been rescheduled to be held on 12th and 13th, December 2020.
The MMSS, held biennially, is a key event that provides a platform for marine based researchers working in the Maldives to share their research endeavors, findings, and experiences with peers as well as a broader public audience. The two-day symposium will be broadly aimed at discussions contributing to the sustainable utilization and conservation of our marine resources.
We encourage presenters to focus on a wide range of subject matters, such as ecosystem dynamics, fisheries and coral reef ecology, conservation ecology, marine biodiversity, climate change, resource utilization, spatial planning, and oceanography.
We invite all marine based researchers working in the Maldives, including NGOs and independent researchers to participate in this symposium. Participants can present their research via oral or poster presentations, of which the abstracts are to be submitted in advance as stated below. The abstracts that are submitted will be peer-reviewed by a Scientific Committee.
No fee is required for participation in this symposium, however all participants must register attendance prior to the registration deadline, 30th September 2020. The symposium will be held via an online platform, details will be informed closer to the date.
Important Dates
Registration deadline: 30th September 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 30th September 2020
Notification of abstract acceptance: 31st October 2020
Date of symposium: 12th & 13th December 2020
Please register your attendance for the symposium via this link.
Abstract Submission
• Body of the abstract (Numbers 5-9 below) should be no more than 500 words and must be written in English.
• Abstract should have the following information and must be submitted using the format provided
1. Title of the Abstract
2. Authors (s) / Presenter(s)
3. Affiliation and email address of the authors(s) / presenter(s)
4. Indicate whether it is an oral or a poster presentation
5. Introduction and background of the research/project
6. Objective of the research/ project
7. Method(s) and materials used
8. Summary of observations and results of the study
9. Conclusion(s)
• Abstracts may be edited by the Scientific Committee for clarity when published in the Abstract Booklet.
Please submit your abstracts via symposia@mmri.gov.mv
Further Information
Please check our website for further updates. If you have further inquiries regarding the symposium, please do not hesitate to contact us via; symposia@mmri.gov.mv, or write to Mr. Ahmed Najeeb at ahmed.najeeb@mmri.gov.mv / Ms. Sarah Hashim at sarah.hashim@mmri.gov.mv.
Given recent developments in the #COVID19 situation, it is with great regret that we announce the cancellation of this year’s Maldives Marine Science Symposium #MMSS.
We would like to thank all who had expressed interest and we will keep you informed on any updates. Stay safe.
The Maldives Marine Research Institute is pleased to announce the third Maldives Marine Science Symposium (MMSS), which will be held in Malé, Maldives, on the 15th of October 2020.
The MMSS, held biennially, is a key event that provides a platform for marine based researchers working in the Maldives to share their research endeavors, findings, and experiences with peers as well as a broader public audience. The one-day symposium will be broadly aimed at discussions contributing to the sustainable utilization and conservation of our marine resources.
We encourage presenters to focus on a wide range of subject matters, such as ecosystem dynamics, fisheries and coral reef ecology, conservation ecology, marine biodiversity, climate change, resource utilization, spatial planning, and oceanography.
We invite all marine based researchers working in the Maldives, including NGOs and independent researchers to participate in this symposium. Participants can present their research via oral or poster presentations, of which the abstracts are to be submitted in advance as stated below. The abstracts that are submitted will be peer-reviewed by a Scientific Committee.
No fee is required for participation in this symposium, however all participants must register attendance prior to the registration deadline, 15th June 2020.
Symposium Details
Auditorium of Maldives National University, Malé.
Important Dates
Registration deadline: 15th June 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 15th July 2020
Notification of abstract acceptance: 31st August 2020
Date of symposium: 15th October 2020
Please register your attendance for the symposium via this link.
Abstract Submission
• Body of the abstract (Numbers 5-9 below) should be no more than 500 words and must be written in English.
• Abstract should have the following information and must be submitted using the format provided
1. Title of the Abstract
2. Authors (s) / Presenter(s)
3. Affiliation and email address of the authors(s) / presenter(s)
4. Indicate whether it is an oral or a poster presentation
5. Introduction and background of the research/project
6. Objective of the research/ project
7. Method(s) and materials used
8. Summary of observations and results of the study
9. Conclusion(s)
• Abstracts may be edited by the Scientific Committee for clarity when published in the Abstract Booklet.
Please submit your abstracts via symposia@mmri.gov.mv
Further Information
Please check our website for further updates. If you have further inquiries regarding the symposium, please do not hesitate to contact us via; symposia@mmri.gov.mv, or write to Ms. Sarah Hashim at asarah@mrc.gov.mv.